Calendar of activites

FMKJ’s calendar of activities provides information about PhD courses, conferences, and additional events that may be of interest to PhD students at FMKJ, and to those in related fields. The goal is to ensure that all FMKJ students have access to relevant Danish and international events, via our systematic and ongoing monitoring and reporting of these activities. The Calendar of Activities is updated on an ongoing basis, and publishes a comprehensive monthly overview for those who might be interested.

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The calendar of activities is administered by PhD student Camilla Dindler.

FMKJ requests that all course and conference organizers within the fields of media, communications, and journalism to submit information regarding their arrangements to: Suggestions for improvements to our monitoring efforts may also be sent to Camilla Dindler.

The calendar is divided up into ‘PhD courses’ and ‘Conferences’.

PhD Courses

FMKJ kurser

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Øvrige danske kurser

Kvalitative Teknikker: Dybde og Bredde (10 ECTS)

Århus Universitet, Institut for Statskundskab, efterårssemestret 2007 med start 7. september

Tilmeldingsfrist: 3. august 2007

"Kurset har til formål at gøre deltagerne bedre til at bruge kvalitative metoder som redskaber. Kurset genopfrisker og udvider deltagernes evner til at indsamle, behandle og analysere kvalitative materialer, og alle teknikkerne bliver afprøvet i praksis."

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Mundtlig Formidling (2 ECTS)

Statsbiblioteket i Århus og Danmarks Biblioteksskole, fem kurser à fire dage i løbet af efteråret 2007

Arr.: Kulturarvens Forskerskole

"Formålet med kurset er, at du skal føle dig sikker og rolig, når dit professionelle virke bringer dig i situationer, hvor den faglige formidling eller diskussion foregår mundtligt"

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Institutional Communication (5 ECTS)

17-18. september og 3.-5. oktober 2007, Syddansk Universitet, Odense

Arr.: International Graduate School in Language and Communication

Tilmeldingsfrist: 31. august 2007

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Religion and Politics

22. - 25. oktober 2007, Københavns Universitet Amager

Arr.: Politologisk Forskerskole

Tilmeldingsfrist: 2. september 2007

"The return of religion in the political sphere constitutes a political and scientific challenge, since it questions some of the fundamental ideas of a European conception of modernity..."

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Internationale kurser

Pt. ingen internationale kurser


Danske konferencer

Journalistikkens Dag 2007

Tema: I Offentlighedens Tjeneste?

28. august kl. 10-16, Danmarks Journalisthøjskole, Århus

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Sound, Art, Auditory Cultures

28. - 30. november 2007, Københavns Universitet Amager

Arr.: Forskerskolen i kultur, litteratur og kunstfag

Tilmeldingsfrist: 1. september 2007

"The aim of the conference Sound, Art, Auditory Cultures is to further interdisciplinary research in aural experience. Experience of our environments through sound, and development of methods for culturally and historically informed research in this experience, are the central topics to be discussed."

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Language in Cognition, Cognition in Language

11. - 13- oktober 2007, Århus Universitet

Arr.: Kognition, Kommunikation og Kultur

Tilmeldingsfrist: 1. september 2007

"The conference will address such topics as language and conceptualisation, language and theory of mind, the ontogenetic and phylogenic emergence of language and conceptualisation, and universal and language-specific aspects of categorical perception."

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Workshop: Europe and the "Other"

1. - 2. november 2007, Københavns Universitet Amager

Arr.: Forskerskolen i kultur, litteratur og kunstfag

Tilmeldingsfrist: 1. oktober 2007

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Internationale konferencer

pt. ingen internationale konferencer.



Nordicom provides information on upcoming courses and conferences in Scandinavia and internationally, in the areas of  media, communications, journalism, and related fields.

Conference Alerts

Conference Alerts provides information on upcoming academic conferences world-wide.


European Communication Research and Education Association arranges European conferences, workshops and PhD courses, which are posted on the web site. One may also take advantage of the option of signing up for the newsletter.